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Here you will find all news articles that have been published on this Flying Eagle and Indian Head Cent website.

Several more photos and varieties added

Hey everyone, I know it has been a while since an update. I’m still working on the 2300 photos I got last December. It is a lot of work to ensure the attribution is correct, add new varieties to the database, correct any errors or inconsistencies, etc. Today I added around 100 photos for around 20 varieties, three of which are new listings. I have around 650 photos remaining for that update. I also have several varieties that are not yet attributed. I hope to catch up on everything by the end of the year. Happy hunting!

By |2018-11-19T18:06:01-08:00November 19th, 2018|News|0 Comments

Forums and Site Registration Closed

Hey everyone. Just a quick note to say that I’ve disabled the forum and site registration. Only one person has used the forum, and I thank DVCollector for his input, photos, and effort. I disabled site registration because it is only useful for posting on the forum. I urge everyone to contribute to CoinTalk.com and CoinCommunity.com. I’ve worked hard the last three years to combat spam and bots that register on this site, and I’ve been successful. But, I realize that since no one is using the forum, there is no reason to offer registration on this site. The time (and money) I’ve spent combating spammers from registering and posting could have been spent on updates to this website. I do have several hundred varieties to add, and have many new varieties to attribute. It is my goal to get caught up over this summer. Thanks for using my website.

By |2018-06-05T13:48:47-07:00June 5th, 2018|News|0 Comments

2300+ Photos have arrived!!

Wow, I have my work cut out for me. Thanks to a fellow collector, I have over 2300 photos to sift through for the site. Today, I added around 300 photos for about 60+ varieties. I will post updates to the listings on the forum as I go, and will post an update to the homepage when I’m finished. I also have many new varieties to add to the database, so stay tuned. When I’m done, the website should have around 7,000+ photos for your pleasure.



By |2018-01-07T00:15:53-08:00January 7th, 2018|News|0 Comments


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